
0780 128 4513



Are you experiencing thoughts that you find distressing, shaming or that create lots of worry? Perhaps you have angry thoughts or even thoughts about sex…?

Here at Oxford Forensic Psychology, we provide a range of short-term treatments to clients underpinned by the Cognitive Behaviour Therapy framework. These treatment interventions are needs led, responsive to you and your situation, and will be based upon your individual requirements.

therapy-applied-psychology-oxfordAs an example, we provide a range of psychological therapies that can help you to understand distressing thoughts, unwanted intruding thoughts, and perhaps thoughts about offending behaviours. We do work with people who have committed a variety of offences, as well as with those that are concerned that they might engage in harmful behaviours towards others. Because of this, we offer other bespoke interventions relating to a range of issues including understanding your emotions, especially anger, thinking about distressing sexual thoughts, difficulties relating to or connecting with others, and thoughts about hurting yourself.

If you are reading this you might be looking for treatment, or you might be trying helping someone you know who needs our service.

We also have particular expertise in providing treatment interventions for individuals who have committed sexual offences. This ranges from developing a general understanding of why the offence occurred, to more specialised treatment to reduce inappropriate sexual interests. What is important is that we can offer a safe space for you to be able to explore any distressing thoughts or behaviours you are struggling with. Having aggressive or sexual thoughts does not mean that you will act on them, and knowing experienced support is available for you to access an important step in taking responsibility for helping yourself.

Please contact us should you require further information or to discuss your needs.

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

CBT is a popular psychological talking therapy with research to demonstrate its usefulness, and is recommended by the National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) in the treatment of a range of mental health problems. CBT is one way of understanding and managing problems. Cognitive means “thoughts” and behaviour means “what we do”. At the heart of CBT is that how we think about an event or a problem affects how we feel (emotionally and physically) and our behaviour. In CBT the client and the therapist work together to identify and challenge negative thoughts and to change unhelpful patterns of thinking and behaviour.

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0780 128 4513

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